Posts Tagged ‘#CleanCheat’

Energy Boosting Almond Butter Cups


img_9942Hello again and happy mid-November already!!

I cannot believe how fast time flies , and I know that’s something we all say, but I feel like the last year has been on fast forward. That must mean I’m having fun right??!

The truth is I am having a great year of fun and learning. There have been some downs, I try and turn them into an opportunity for growth (sometimes I have to REALLY try;), and a lot of ups! I have been in a wonderful supportive relationship for just over a year now with someone I have known since high school (thank you Tugo), as well as going back to school to fulfill another dream of mine, to become a Personal Trainer. YAY.

On the topic of learning I have also been researching more nutrition and going back to dig deeper into the info from my schooling in that area. I have been working to fine tune what really works for me right now, what I can do for my clients and what I want to do for people when I am finished adding the physical aspect to my credentials 🙂 One thing that has img_9904shaped this part of my journey is learning that I have Osteoarthritis in my hands…WHAT?!! I’m only in my early 30’s!!!! It is not normally a younger person’s ailment, however, I have been working in the beauty industry as a trades person doing nails, waxing etc for 15 years and have put a lot of repetitive stress on the joints and tendons in my rather small hands/wrists. This has been a hard pill to swallow as I love being part of this industry and it has supported me well for my adult life so far. Not to mention a new reality living with painful flair ups and restrictions on hobbies I enjoy.

Enter my schooling in wellness!! I am so grateful that I started following my passion for fitness and nutrition in the last 5 years and it is really helping me to find the best natural ways to heal myself and share those with others. So far I have been able to keep most of my pain and inflammation down with exercise, physio, TURMERIC (love) and other anti inflammatory foods as well as recently adopting a more Ketogenic/Paleo way of eating with little to no grains/sugar in it. The emphasis is on fueling your body with healthy fats and having low carbohydrates (turn into inflammation causing sugars) and moderate protein.

So far I am loving the results, and I am having a lot less issues with swelling in my joints as well as in my stomach. I also like that the protein is moderate, as I tend to have digestive difficulties when I overload on protein as I have experienced in the past like so many others do when trying to be lean and build muscle. The fats keep me full and happy and are really helping me balance out my hormones :):):)

I am a firm believer in individuality when it comes to nutrition. Not every way of eating is right for everyone so do your research and if you don’t feel healthy when eating a certain way..look at changing it. As well, I don’t put red tape on any foods (unless intolerant) 100% of the time, I allow myself freedom to enjoy family dinners that are “off my plan” once in awhile because I think some variety is good for you and stressing out about RULES isn’t 😉 80/20% I say!

Lastly, I personally feel I need to make a statement that this way of eating in my opinion should involve consciousness about sustainability and humane practices when choosing what animal products to eat, so I have linked two articles on these topics from Paleo Leap.


Affordable GrassFed

Paleo Sustainable

These Fat Bombs are full of healthy fats, energy, and can be hormone balancing (maca root) …they are great on the go, or for a healthy treat and are grain and sugar free!

Energy Boosting Almond Butter Cups

Recipe adapted from Pinterest…No link to the original ?


  • 1/2 C Crunchy or smooth almond butter
  • 1/2 C Coconut oil
  •  4 Tbsp unsalted butter ( I go for grass-fed organic when I use dairy or meat) or cacao butter for a dairy free option
  •  1 Tbsp Organic cacao powder
  •  2 tsp Gelatinized maca root powder ( gelatinized maca is more bioavailable and is easier on the stomach) Caution with maca if high blood pressure or pregnant/breastfeeding
  •  Organic liquid stevia to taste ( I use 4 drops)
  • Pinch of Himalayan or Grey sea salt if you have thyroid issues and are concerned about possible fluoride traces in Himalayan pink salt


Melt butter and coconut oil in a double boiler (or fill the bottom of a pot and put another pot inside it to create your own double boiler), let cool slightly by removing from heat as soon as its melted. Add in almond butter stir until blended, then the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.Pour mixture into molds or lined muffin tin and freeze at least 15-20 mins …devour one before it melts in your hand! MMmm.


Keep these cold or they will melt!

This made me 9 in the muffin tin …depends on how much you pour into each …they are rich and I found they were plenty satisfying at that size 😉

XO Dalyce YOUR Holistic Lifestylist

Im Baaack with Macro Friendly Mexi Salad

Well well, apparenmexisaladtly when I said I was only going to post when I was really feeling it….that meant never! :/

I apologize for my absence, as it was not for lack of thought about posting but rather a scattered summer mind as well as schedule!!!

Anyway, it is time to put excuses aside and get back atter for this amazingly simple and deeeelicious go-to macro friendly meal of mine.

This is my signature salad (seems too good to call it that) and is old fave for me that has all the makings of a perfect cure to training meal boredom…( that is rainbowsaladif you love Mexican food…as I definitely dmexisalad2o 🙂

Don’t believe me? Check out its credentials ;p

  • Macro friendly
  • tastes like a cheat
  • fast to make ( and consume;)
  • Inexpensive
  • Ingredients that can be made/stored in bulk

Nuff said!

Macro Friendly Mexi Salad


  • 1 cup Spring greens mix
  • 4 oz Organic ground turkey
  • Preservative free taco spice ( 3 Tbsp to 1/3 cup water)
    1/2 cup chili powder
    1/4 cup onion powder
    2 tbsp. ground cumin
    2 tbsp. garlic powder
    1 tbsp. smoked paprika
    2 tbsp. kosher (or sea) salt
    1 tbsp. black pepper
    compliments of the The Country Cook
  • 1/4 cup Refried beans (I try and mostly use the organic ones by Pacific because they come in tetra packs instead of unhealthy aluminum cans)
  • 1 tbsp Bolthouse Farms cilantro avocado yogurt dressing (ranch works if you dont like cilantro (whats wrong with you!! jjk) ) Or sub in dairy free dressing and change the macros
  • 1/4 cup Salsa
  • 22 grams Sliced mushrooms
  • 30 grams Chopped red pepper
  • 15 g (approx 1/2 stalk) Green onion
  • 1/4 cucumber chopped
  • Optional – Sliced pickled jalapenos 1/4 cup , 15 g grated Paradise Island skim organic cheese ( both these are counted in the macro listing)


Saute mushrooms, onions, 1/2 of your peppers lightly. Add Ground turkey and cook until lightly browned. Add mexi spice and water boil then turn down and let simmer for 5- 10 mins (thickened up). Heat beans. Put salad mix in a bowl and toss with the other half of your peppers and the cucumber. Top with meat mix and beans, then the cheese. Finish with the dressing, salsa and jalapenos and be amazed…and delightfully full 🙂


Calories: 311

Protein: 34 g

Carbs: 19 g

Fat 11 g

Fiber: 6 g

Sugar: 5 g

Juice Pulp Muffins


Happy Spring to you all!

Looking back I cant believe how fast time is flying by, and that it has been about 2 1/2  months since I last wrote here.

I have been a busy bee, like most of you out there…waking up from the hibernation phase of winter and starting new projects, education and intentions with the new energy of spring. That being stated, I didn’t deliberately take a hiatus from writing, but I realize now I was feeling a block in this area. 

I noticed when I started thinking of making a new post, that I was feeling resistance. I truly love writing and I also love the topics I write about on this blog, so I needed to dig deep to figure out what was going on. Here is what came up:

I don’t like doing what I am “supposed” to do! 

There, I said it! ; /

I am innately rebellious and like to go against the grain…even sometimes in spite of myself!  I came to the realization that I was looking at posting bi-weekly as a “job”, and the scheduled– ness of it coupled with the fact that I was comparing my writing to long and eloquently written works from well seasoned bloggers, was draining all the joy out of it for me.

So, what does this epiphany mean for me and my page??                                                     It means that I went to my journal and I wrote down what my new intention is this spring for my blog…and it goes like this:

I want to write what is authentic and inspiring to me, and that means writing when I am feeling those feelings and NOT on a schedule. But is this really “good business”? After all, the blogging powers that be are always hailing the importance of constantly putting out content to stay relevant…

Well, I think it would be more valuable to me and my blog followers to go by the old adage “quality over quantity”  and I think that the people who align with the same things I do will appreciate this approach over filler fluff, and I will always feel really good about what I put out.

Secondly, I have committed to not comparing my work or expression to the work of others and will write my feelings, recipes, points of view, and knowledge in my own voice and in however little or many words as comes naturally to me that day.                                        Only one sentence to go with a recipe?! So be it 🙂 2muffins

I hope you enjoyed this little “rant” or “declaration of my blogging independence”, and I hope it inspires you to set yourself free from old constraints, and to set new aligned intentions this season… Because Spring is for cleansing, and that isn’t just confined to your physical self.  

On that note, if you are planning to cleanse your body (liver is the organ of focus this season), here is one of my fave recipes for using up all that nutritious pulp left over from making your healthy green juices. Also check out my Spring Cleanse program to really get your body and mind cleared out and lightened up for summer 🙂

Blessed Be

Daly XO

Juice Pulp Muffins or Loaf


1 1/2 cups pulp from juicer or grated veg
1/2 cup apple sauce
1/2 cup honey or 1/2 cup coconut sugar
2 eggs, beaten or equivalent in egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups gluten free flour ie. Quinoa
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon                                                       pulp                                            
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup nuts, chopped
1/2 cup organic raisins (optional)


1) Beat eggs then mix together with apple sauce and honey ( if using), vanilla and pulp
2) Sift dry ingredients and add to pulp mixture.
3) Add nuts and raisins last.
4) Bake in a greased or lined  9″ loaf pan or a muffin tin at 350F for 45 to 60 minutes1muffin

Clean & Creamy Caesar Dressing – Vegan Optional

image  Happy sweet 16 friends…

2016 is officially underway and this is my first blog post of the new year, and although healthy and fitting for New Years resolution time… I am thinking the next post will have nothing to do with salad, as this appears to be my 3rd installment in a row on the subject :/

This recipe wasn’t even meant to be added here, but after posting a pic of the delicious roast chicken and Caesar dinner my Mom and I enjoyed last Sunday, a girlfriend asked if the recipe was on the blog…. being the die hard people pleaser, I just had to add it 🙂

This recipe is a clean and crisp version of the classic dressing and I am adding vegan substitute options as well…Enjoy! XOimage

Clean & Creamy Caesar Dressing (Vegan Optional)


  •  1 Ripe avocado
  • Juice 1/2 lemon
  • 1 Tbsp Raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 2-3 Minced garlic cloves
  • 2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil
  • 1/4 Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
  • Ground pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup water to thin out
  • Optional: 2 teaspoons anchovy paste
  • 2 Tbsp grated Parmesan or 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast for vegan


Add all ingredients to your food processor (or good blender in a pinch) and blend until smooth. Scrape sides with spatula and blend once more. Pour over fave healthy salad ingredients and….yum!


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