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5 Steps To Stay Motivated

myvision2014Make A Vision Board

This is a fun way to map out your goals and kind of takes you for a flashback to school art class. The idea is to grab some old magazines and cut out words and pictures that represent different areas of your life and the intention you have for what is to come. You can draw or write directly on it or use those addictively cute scrap booking stickers and supplies

that, let’s be honest, are probably sitting in a box collecting dust. You can make one for the next 5 years, or just the upcoming year to help make it more specific and attainable. This can be a great way to get unblocked and allow yourself to bring to the surface desires or clearer paths for your goals than you could see before. It’s less forced and gets you in the flow. Hang your new goal orientated collage somewhere you will see it daily and take a moment to absorb it and get refocused as you go by.

Above is my 2014 board…I did not make one in 2015 and I missed having it and can see how much of an impact being able to look back on my previous ones has. I am doing one for 2016 as we speak!

There are many apps to use, I found Oprah’s the most user friendly, although I might do a paper one too …old fashioned that way…like the cutting and pasting ;p

Reflect On How Far You Have Come Already

Track your progress. Make mini milestones to reach for while on the pat to your overall goal, to give yourself markers of how far you’ve actually come even though you may still have a ways to go on your journey. These little wins will keep you moving forward when the big picture seems so far out of reach.

These are two methods I find useful for helping to not forget how much progress you have

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actually already made.

Taking before pics and measurements is a great way to do this…especially since the scale is not always an accurate tool (hello being up 4 pounds after a wknd…likely part water weight). Also having a tracking sheet for your workouts or a mini progress goal like being able to get your heels closer to the ground with every downward dog, will show you that you really are making change. Writing the amount of reps you can do or how much weight you have moved up in your workouts will help you see the transformations, and that is really empowering.

Make Your Environment Inspiring

“If you make sure that your environment supports your dreams, achieving those dreams becomes radically easier. Whatever you are surrounded by all day – influences you more than you think.”

This is a truth that was recently reconfirmed for me. I was living in a place that was cramped, dark and shared with people who did not share the same ideas on what constitutes a healthy, happy living environment. I was miserable! I became increasingly un-motived and lacking energy. I felt the heaviness of this place and eventually could not stand it. I started to remove myself from it and felt happier, however, this meant I was rarely home and therefor was still tired and was not able to sustain any kind of routine. I knew it was time to move and when I did, it was a 180°.

I know not everyone can just up and move… and hopefully your surroundings aren’t as oppressive as my previous place. Chances are though, there are some things that are working more against you than with you, and with some small, manageable tweaks around the house, you could feel a real difference.

When talking to my clients about this subject there is one thing we always agree on, clutter is stressful and demotivating. It clutters the mind and spirit. Now I’m not suggesting that your house must always be 100% clean all the time…Lord knows I would never get anything else done if that was the case in my house. Just choosing the best area in your place for you to workout or accomplish what is that you are trying to stay motivated with, and keep that area clean.

Also, keeping the decor simple can help. Simple doesn’t have to mean empty and boring either. By  just having the tools that are useful to your goal and a few carefully selected pieces that are bright, fun and uplifting can change the whole energy of the space and you.

Think fresh flowers, bright windows, and pictures that make you happy and feel empowered, such as a vision board that you have made displaying your goals.

Another branch off this same idea is learning what time of day is most motivating to you and creating habits that center your most challenging work around this time. For instance, I used to try and do my writing whenever I could fit it in, but sometimes would find it such a struggle to stay on task or find inspiration. I then realized that I am a morning person (most days), and it really works for me to just turn the lights out earlier, instead of staying up and trying to force it. I get up earlier and work with my natural cycle of energy. I grab my tea or coffee and get right into my writing while my mind is a blank canvas, and before I start anything else that might zap my energy.

Work In 25 Minute Increments

This concept of breaking your work down into 25 minute blocks is called The Pomodoro Technique, and it has been a revolutionary way for me to be much more productive in less time.
I have a very short attention span when tasks seem too large and begin to lose my inspiration if I focus too hard on projects for an extended block of time. It’s like when I try to clean my home office when I let it get too cluttered. I am all in for a while, but then I will undoubtedly find something that belongs in the bathroom and go to return it there, next thing I know, I am cleaning the shower! What I’m saying is, subconsciously my brain has gotten overwhelmed or bored by the task at hand and led me (astray) to find something else to do.

How it works is, when you have something you know you must or want to accomplish, but it seems lengthy, overwhelming or just plain uninteresting, you can use this technique to break it into manageable chunks. You start by getting a kitchen timer or use the one on your phone (although you should turn off all social alerts so you don’t get distracted), use this to set 25 minute increments for work, then take a 10 minute break for getting up to have a snack or stretch or check social media…but make sure when your time is up, you set another 25 minute timer and get back to work. This gives your brain a refresh with time to wonder and your body to get up and move around, but in a structured way. Then you can accomplish a lot more in shorter time and with much less inner conflict.

This is a great way to get your calendar organized with your workouts and days for meal prep and planning, which can sometimes feel like a chore, but is the # 1 key I have seen for successfully sticking to a healthy lifestyle 😉

Check out the actual 6 steps to using this awesome productivity tool at

Follow YOUR Healthy Role Models

Now I could start this paragraph with telling you to get off social media and get your arse to your workout…however, while I do encourage to look at how much time they spend online when they say they can’t fit in 20 minutes of activity, I must be real that we or going to spend some time on our SM accounts, so why not make it to your advantage?!
Try starting to find and follow women that have a similar body type as you. Look for before and after pics that are actually attainable to you and get inspired by how far they have come from a similar stage as you are at now. Likewise, it can help to see who out there has a similar lifestyle, with similar “blocks”, who is making it work. Pick up tips on how they get around those “obstacles” such as having 2 or 3 kids, while working and still make time for their health. Pick their brains. At the same time while you are on the lookout for inspiring people to follow (try searching hashtags like: #busyfitnessmoms or #beforeandafters to find them), take a moment to looks at who you are already following. You need to take inventory of what you are seeing every day and decide if it is helpful. I have found following people whose body type is nothing like our own or lifestyle is much more flexible can sometimes cause you to compare and bring you down instead of lifting you up!
Another point of interest for me is how many people I work with who want to lose weight and eat cleaner, but continue to follow food accounts. Not just the healthy ones either. I get it, I am a foodie as well, but we are not invincible and are very impressionable. If you are constantly being flooded with food pics covered in cheese or pinning and following Pinterest boards about the best camping s’mores cones …is it any doubt why your fixated on hunger and making the wrong choices at the grocery store and probably when you open the cupboard?!

Bonus Inspiration: Buy Something New

I am not suggesting that buying things is always an answer, however on the odd occasion when I can afford to treat myself to something new, I do find it helpful motivation to get an accessory that has something to do with a goal I am working towards. For example, a new notebook and fancy pens when I have writing to do, or a new pair of runners to get me pumped for my workouts 🙂

This list is just a sample of some of the great tools I have in my arsenal to help keep myself and my clients on point and moving forward in crushing their goals! Send me a message (HERE) if you think working with a coach can help you organize your goals and make them a reality.

Are you ready?…I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with you my passion for helping people become the best and healthiest version of themselves!

XO Dalyce – YOUR Holistic Lifestylist

Vegan Chocolate Banana Pudding Pie

2015-08-23 21.16.37

Happy Monday Lovelies…and in case its not as happy as it should be, here is some healthy and delicious dessert that is sure to put a smile on your face 🙂

It was another friend’s birthday this weekend (lotsa August babies around me), and I wanted to show them how much I appreciate them being born…and nothing quite says that like baking I think!

Now this got the creative and curious parts of my brain spinning on what I could make for a chocolate lover, besides cupcakes (because those are too addictive and I would eat them ALL), that was yummy AND healthy…

There was the usual cashew vegan cheesecakes, which are indeed tasty, but I have made it before and I wanted something different (and to be honest, less work ;). Just then as I was scrolling, I saw some heavenly looking pudding on Insta and set out to see how I could make a cleaner version, and maybe even put it in a pie….I was trying to get more creative right?!

So Voila …

Vegan Chocolate Banana Pudding Pie


Filling adapted from Oh She Glows– adapted from Green Kitchen Stories2015-08-23 21.18.05

  • 3 medium bananas – ripe but not brown all over
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup smooth raw almond butter
  • 4-5 tablespoons raw cacao powder, or to taste
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 5 or desired amount of gluten free Mary’s Gone Crackers Double Chocolate cookies crushed up fine
  • 2 Cups finely chopped almonds (use whole raw almonds in food processor)
  • 2 Tbsp Raw or Organic Honey – Alternately Maple Syrup or Coconut nectar if you don’t eat honey
  • 2 Tbsp Coconut oil
  • Pie pan

Chop almonds into a finer texture, think very small chunks but not down to a flour consistency. I like to just pulse it so I don’t go overboard. Put the chopped almonds in a mixing bowl, Next melt your coconut oil and pour into the almonds, then add your honey and mix thoroughly. Press firmly into the bottom of a pie pan (line it with parchment if not non-stick). Set Aside.

Next put your desired amount of chocolate cookies into the food processor and blend into a small granule powder. Then set aside. Add all other filling ingredients to the processor and blend until super creamy ( I had mashed my bananas a little prior just to make getting the lumps out quicker). Add cookie crunchies to the mixture, stir in by hand, then pour the filling over your pie crust. Optional, you can cut up an extra banana in slices to decorate the top of your pie. Pop the finished product in the fridge for  2 hours to set the pudding.

Serve and enjoy! XO

Side note: If making this for someone else or company, it is at it’s best freshness up to 24 hours.

Pear and Prune Breakfast Bowl with Chia Seeds and Apple

2015-07-22 07.58.31

This is an absolutely fabuloso recipe I scored from a book I grabbed whilst grocery shopping (how do I always end up with more than I came for), and it is penned by a fellow health coach. I had never heard of the beauty Brit Amelia Freer when I spotted it, but I’m a sucker for a new health and wellness recipe book, so in the cart it went!

This is one purchase I will not regret, as I had been craving a more porridge-esque breaky, but minus all the usual grain. I was picturing something aromatic and warm to have on a  rainy morning, when eggs just don’t seem cozy enough (I think only a true foodie would describe a meal as cozy :P), and then, there in the pages of my newly acquired book, was just the thing. A cinnamon and apple-y bowl of goodness..made with a walnut base instead of grains…genius!

I made this baby up the very next weekend, and it is sure to be a Fall staple in my house from now on. It is fairly simple (a lot of yummy healthy alternatives tend to be a lil complex and time consuming), and it pays to make extra and store for a few days in a mason jar in the fridge.

Give it a try and let me know if you loved it like I did, or if you make any tasty tweaks 🙂 XO

Pear and Prune Breakfast Bowl with Chia Seeds and Apple

Recipe from Eat.Nourish.Glow by Amelia Freer

Soak time 8 hours

Prep 10 minutes

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  • 2 Ripe pears
  • 6 Dried prunes
  • 90g Fresh walnuts
  • Salt
  • 1 tsp Chia seeds
  • Pinch ground cinnamon
  • 1 Apple, cored and grated into matchsticks with a mandolin


Put prunes and 250ml filtered water in a bowl. In another bowl, put the walnuts and cover with salted filtered water and leave both to soak overnight. Drain.

The next day, drain the prunes reserving the liquid. Soak the chia seeds in the prune liquid for 20 mins.

Put pears, soaked prunes, walnuts, chia seeds and cinnamon into a blender and blend until smooth, adding some of the soaked prune water if necessary.

Pour the mixture into a small bowl and top with apple matchsticks. Store the extra in a glass mason jar in the fridge for a couple days.

Serves 2. Enjoy 🙂

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Wild Salmon Lox on Gluten Free Toasts Drizzled with Detox Avocado Pesto

2015-08-12 07.42.33

Normally I post my recipes on Mondays. Start the week with a fresh food idea to share with you all. I will usually come up with something the week before and use the weekend to trial it and then fancy it up with the accompanying pics and mini story of how it came to be. However, even the best laid plans…. well, you know!

Instead, I spent a lovely and much needed weekend away with some girlfriends from high school. We decided to head over to one of our charming Gulf Islands called Pender. I LOVE these little islands that surround us on Vancouver Island. I am in awe of their ruggedly stunning scenery, and feel right at home with the laid back, gypsy-esque characters that inhabit much of them. We took in a sprawling farmers and craft market, hiked the beautiful beaches, danced to a live band at the local pub, and feasted on the fresh local fare. Soooo..can you blame me for bailing?? ;p

Hopefully not, and venturing even one step further..

maybe even be glad I delayed, so I could bring you this little gem of a dish inspired by my West coast weekend muse, Pender Isl.

After all, “Good things come to those who wait”, right 😉

So without further ado, I present..

Wild Salmon Lox on Gluten Free Toasts Drizzled with an Avocado Detox Pesto

(this pesto is a variation on just one delicious recipe from my Lean Body & Self Love Spring/Summer Cleanse ).

What You Need:

  • Wild salmon lox ( I used 2 and you need them a little thin and long enough to roll)
  • Gluten free bread ( I used Silver Hills, its tiny for a more appetizer feel, and its hearty)
  • 1 Medium tomato (preferably organic)
  • 1 Bunch organic chives2015-08-12 07.35.50
  • Spring greens salad mix ( I used local Kildara Farms Saanich Peninsula Gourmet Greens)

Optional – Capers, and an egg for poaching

Detox Avocado Pesto Ingredients:

3/4 cup fresh basil
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
2 cloves fresh garlic, peeled
1 lemon, juiced (2 tbsp)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt to taste

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/2 large avocado

PULSE. Combine fresh herbs, avocado and garlic in a food processor until it is finely chopped. Slowly add lemon juice, and then the extra virgin olive oil in a steady drizzle as you pulse the processor on and off. Process until it becomes smooth.

Season with sea salt. Cover tightly and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to saturate the flavors. If storing overnight, pour a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil over the top of the pesto to help keep it bright green.

Dice tomatoes and chives up small. Lightly toast the gluten free bread (2 for one serving), then lightly drizzle the pesto over each slice. Roll one salmon lox stuffed with the greens and place on a toast, do the same for the other, then top with diced tomatoes, chives and capers.

I loved this dish so much, I had one the next day topped with a poached egg….fantastic!!!

Simple, Healthy, Enjoy XO

2015-08-12 07.30.12

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